3-20-18 — Storm Prediction Center has issued a tornado watch
The Storm Prediction Center has issued a tornado watch for all of Northeast Florida and for Camden and Charlton Counties in Southeast Georgia until 7 pm this evening.
The passage of a strong upper-level weather disturbance will bring an enhanced threat of severe weather to northeast Florida and portions of southeast Georgia this afternoon.
Isolated to scattered thunderstorms have developed in advance of the organized squall line. Some storms ahead of the main squall line this afternoon may rapidly become intense, with confidence growing for the risk of a few tornadoes and damaging hail.
The most likely hazards will be damaging winds (60+ mph), large hail (up to golf ball and tennis ball size) and frequent lightning. There is an increasing likelihood of a few tornadoes occurring this afternoon.
The greatest risk of severe weather threat will be for all of northeast Florida, and Charlton and Camden Counties in Southeast Georgia.
Our briefing package has been updated, and will continue to be updated with any new information.
Please reference our PDF briefing available here:
For any warnings issued today, monitor our webpage, NWSchat, iNWS text alerts, Facebook, and/or Twitter and media outlets.
Please contact us with any questions and stay safe today. Thank you for your partnerships!
Additional Information Resources:
- NWS Jacksonville: (904) 741-4370
- NWS JAX: http://www.weather.gov/jax/
- River Stages: http://water.weather.g
ov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=jax - NWS JAX Facebook: facebook.com/US.NationalWeathe
rService.Jacksonville.gov - NWS Jacksonville Twitter: twitter.com/NWSJackso
nville - NWS for Mobile Phones: mobile.weather.gov
Stay safe!